Winbot Project - Phase I
The one or other might have seen it on Facebook that we are the lucky ones who could get one of those Awesome limited Edition Winbot Cases made by in Win. 
And we were just overwhelmed when it arrived - they´re just incredible!
And naturally our first and biggest Thank you !!!! goes out to all those nice People at In Win for their Trust and Support on this Project !!!!
We feel really honored to be able to work on this Chassis. It is really a Masterpiece!!!
As everybody who knows us can imagine we really want to do a mod with it.
But first of all we have to fulfill some duties before we can start the modding process, so Phase I is the transformation from the pure epic a real nice build which can be used to display some nice Hardware on several Events which we will do together with Intel.
The first Event is already done....but we didn´t had the time to do a Log before the Event started.
That was mainly caused by the Hardware which arrived really just in time to get it done before we had to leave to the Event. But now we had some more time left to sort everything out and take some more pics of the progress which we made so far.
But let some pics do the talking.....
When a Winbot arrives at your looks something like this....
and like you can´s a really big crate....we had to store it in the Garage first....because we couldn´t get the Crate into the house....
So we had to unbox the Case there so that we could bring this beauty in our Workshop (little sidenote: that was approx. 1 week before the Event started)
Within the next days the Hardware arrives piece by we have to send really really Big Thank You !!!!! to Intel, Asus, Nvidia, Aquatuining, Seasonic & Patriot for their help, support & Patience!!!!!
Without their Help we won´t be able to get the System up and running for the first Event.