How To Install Custom Windows 10 Themes And Visual Styles with UltraUXThemePatcher

Microsoft provides free topics for Windows 10. However, there are exceptionally restricted, and not everybody would fancy for those open subject. Additionally, a large portion of the free Windows 10 subjects from Microsoft depends on the default visual style for Windows 10. Adding to that Windows 10 just permits you to introduce subjects which have been carefully marked by Microsoft, or the ones that are given formally by Microsoft.
So on the off chance that you truly need to change the default visual style for Windows 10. You should go for outsider Windows 10 subjects. Presently this is something that Microsoft entirely prompts against, because as a matter of first importance Windows 10 permits you to introduce carefully marked topics from Microsoft. Also, besides, If you download and introduce an outsider subject or visual style frame an unsubstantiated source, odds are you PC may get contaminated with infections or malware. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you know where to get it from, there are a couple puts on the web where one can download clean Windows 10 subjects and visual styles. The most prevalent among the is Deviantart, a group directed site for specialists. I have recorded the other respectable locales toward the finish of the post.

Step 1: Download and Install UltraUXThemePatcher

This application make changes to your system files, this can lead to unexpected problems or total breakdown of Windows!
Step 1. Run UltraUXThemePatcher with administrator rights.
Step 2. Install UltraUXThemePatcher
Step 3. Reboot your PC once UltraUXThemePatcher is installed.

Step 2: Download Custom Windows 10 themes and Visual styles.

Once the UltraUXThemePatcher is installed, you can go ahead any download any Windows 10 theme you like from Here’s a quick link for Windows 10 Themes on Deviantart.

Step 3: Install the custom Windows 10 theme and visual styles.

Installing custom themes on windows is not similar to how you install programs and apps. In order to install a custom theme or visual style in windows 10, you will have to copy the theme or visual style folder (containing a .theme file and a folder containing .msstyles file) in the windows installation drive.
Paste the theme folder in the following directory: “C:\Windows\Resources\Themes”
You can then double click on the.theme file or simply apply it from the desktop properties.
That’s it and the Windows 10 theme or visual style will be applied to your windows 10 desktop.

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